Hello! And Happy New Year! Don’t be alarmed. I’ve decided to catch up with the 2020s and move my newsletter from Mailchimp to Substack. I’ve imported you. Do you feel imported? Have you got that fancy foreign glow to you? That better-than-an-English-root-vegetable shine? Let’s hope so. Let’s hope you’re all polished and juicy, perfectly unbruised from your transport in your you-shaped (but entirely eco-friendly) packaging, ready to face a light smattering of author news.
Your subscription to my Substack will give you the same sort of irregularly updated, wryly humorous content, some of which might be interesting or useful to you, but easier for me to navigate and thus, possibly, less random and more regular. We’ll have to see. It’s good to have you here!
A belated “2023 roundup” newsletter will gently settle into your inbox within 24 hours (Who wants something “hitting” their inbox? Isn’t life violent enough?)
There are commenting possibilities.
Let’s have some fun!
Proud to have you add some erudite literary class to my roster of conspiratorial Substackers.
Happy New Year, Ros. Looking forward to the 2023 roundup already.